As all roads in Cambodia lead to the capital and it’s the best point to get cheap transport to most destinations so we had to spend some time there.

Siem Reap was really nice, relaxed place famous for its temples of Angkor. It was there where I met Thomas – 63 year old shaman from Uruguay, very interesting and easy going man. We were together exploring the temples and later on we were both invited by our tuk-tuk driver Hak for a wedding party of his best friend! Of course we accepted the invitation and the next day we were among Cambodians celebrating the new solemnized marriage. It was a bit different from the Polish wedding parties, but what was the same was alcohol! They drunk lots of beers but no-one was really drunk. There was also a band playing their typical music and everyone was dancing, me too!!! The only bad thing was that the party was over too quickly – by midnight (in Poland it’s usually till sunrise or even longer;-)!
Below some pictures from temples of Angkor:

Our third and last destination in Cambodia was Sihanoukville, at the seaside. It was just before Christmas and we were wondering where to spend it. Lukas got an brilliant idea to go to an nearby uninhabited island. He spoke with local fisherman and he offered to take us to the island and in 3 days take us back. Together with Nuno, Camilla, Monika, Zeb and Thomas - people we had met before in Phnom Penh - we set off for our exotic Christmas on the island. We took with us some food, fruits, plenty of water and beers. On the next day our fisherman, his name was Ti, brought us some fresh fishes, which we had to gut and cook in our focal point. They were the best fishes I have ever eaten!!! Far from civilization we spent the whole 3 days doing nothing, just chilling, swimming and sunbathing. We were all far from our homes and families, what is quite tough especially during Christmas time, but we manage to had great and memorable time.

Best fishes ever!!!!
On the last night Ti and his 2 friends came over to bring us some food and Mekong Whisky... We had really cool evening with our new local friends and Ti even invited us all for a dinner the next day. We met his family and spent another very nice evening.

With Ti and his family - wife At, daughter Lan and little Pia
Our last night in Sihanoukville we spent with our friend Ti on his fishing boat. During the whole night we manage to catch about 20 squid and 4 fishes, but it was memorable night and the sunset was amazing.

Cambodia is one of our favourite countries with very open and friendly people, what makes this country so special...
For more pictures check the links below:
For more pictures check the links below:
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